Because “Shameless Self-Promotion Dot Biz” was a little too on-the-nose.

It’s probably because of yesterday’s food pun blitz, but this morning I decided to rename my Zazzle shop:


I haven’t bought the domain yet, but I’m definitely going to need the DBA once our fantasy café expands, and we have the space to open a curiosity/notary service emporium.

In the meantime, I can tell you that a commemorative Mr. Firedancer Notary Seal hockey puck is the ideal gift for any occasion. Plus you can use it to take out an aggressor, either up close or at a distance (aim for the face). It’s like a Canadian manifestation of the Self-Defense Buddha Beads. I am storyboarding the infomercial as we speak.

Author: Thumper

Thumper (Horkos) Marjorie Splitfoot Forge is a Gardnerian High Priest, an initiate of the Minoan Brotherhood, a Discordian Episkopos, a recovering alcoholic, and a notary public.

One thought on “Because “Shameless Self-Promotion Dot Biz” was a little too on-the-nose.”

  1. You, clearly, understand what you’ve done with your shop description, but I feel the need to inform your readers.

    “First off, we should enact an ”e” tax. Government agents would roam the country looking for stores whose names contained any word that ended in an unnecessary ”e,” such as ”shoppe” or ”olde,” and the owners of these stores would be taxed at a flat rate of $50,000 per year per ”e.” We should also consider an additional $50,000 ”ye” tax, so that the owner of a store called ”Ye Olde Shoppe” would have to fork over $150,000 a year. In extreme cases, such as ”Ye Olde Barne Shoppe,” the owner would simply be taken outside and shot.” — Dave Barry

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